General Descent
D2 Fonts
Kali Manual
Font-files in TrueTypeFormat from D1 and D2. - (29 KB)
Tutorial who to play D1 / D2 online via KALI
(GIF-Format / german). - (80 KB).
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Descent 1
D1 3dfx b
D1X 1.40
D1X 1.43
3dfx Patch for Descent 1. - (1.866 KB)
D1X enhances D1 in many directions. - (392 KB)
D1X enables OpenGL support. - (779 KB)
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Descent 2
D2 Win95
D2 1.2
D2 3dfx 1.06b
D2X 1.2.6
D2X JoyAxisConfigs
Windows 95 / 98 Patch. - (1.852 KB)
Patch to bring 1.X to 1.2. - (800 KB)
3dfx Patch for D2. - (745 KB)
No-CD-Patch. - (4 KB)
Descent2 Patch for OpenGL by SteffenP (d2x-1.2.6cvs-2003-11-7)- please check the Readme! (2.686 KB)
Working Joystick-Configs (Player-Files) for probs with D2X (check readme!) (4 KB)
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Descent 3
D3Edit Leveleditor
Descent3 Demo 2
Missions / Levels
Patch 1.4 EU
Patch 1.4 US
D3 Mission Pack 2009
D3 1.4 32bit graphics patch
Descent 3 Leveleditor from Atan NEW
No CD Patch for the euro-version of D3. - (28 KB)
No CD Patch for the US-version of D3. - (28 KB)
Descent3 Demo 2 for Windows. - (38 MB)
Missions-Archive on Almost all Levels are aviable here!
Patch 1.4 for the euro-version of D3. - (2.232 KB)
Patch 1.4 for the US-version of D3. - (1.944 KB)
Pilot-Picture file from the IYF3 Action 2005 (put into D3-root). - (6.455 KB)
The standard benchmarking demofile for D3. - (862 KB)
Chat, Serverlist, Level-Downloader, Gamelauncher in one - check the screenshot
The most played / favorite 115 D3 Missions 2009 (extract to /missions/ ) - (94 MB)
Adds permanent 32bit graphics support to D3 1.4 (extract over current main.exe ) - (860 KB) NEW
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Descent 3 MODs
30 MODs
Assault Beta 1
Inferno Beta 1.0
InstaReap 1.0
Olympia Gold 3
Pyromania 1.5
Team Hoard
Team Instareap
an extension to the standard D3 mods to enable 30 instead of the normal 12 PPS for multiplayer games... - (533 KB)
each team has to save their own base while trying to destroy the others base... - (2.500 KB)
a team tries to imprision opponents and uncage teammates- (2.500 KB)
in this MOD you have only the frag as weapon. - (1.200 KB)
brings a little bit gameplay of D1 and D2 back to D3. - (454 KB)
one hit - one kill. But you ONLY have the Massdriver as weapon. - (99 KB)
a racing MOD for D3 with new ships and special maneuvering-properties. - (27.900 KB)
MOD with that you get new and old ships and "the good old D2-weapons " back.
like hoard but for teams. - (122 KB)
like instareap but for teams. - (141 KB)
like instareap but an extended version with AB and ship colored trails. (incl. 30MOD vers.) - (291 KB)
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Video-Download-Page of Descentforum.DE
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