Descent General
Bluemoon's Descent
Brockart's Descent
Descent Network
Holger Bredel's Descent
Koolbear's Descent
Moon's Descendarium
ODF - Open Descent Foundation
Peter Telep's
Bluemoon's Descent-Site (D1-D3) Reticles, Music, and further nice stuff...
Home of D2X_W32 and DLE-XP (Leveleditor for D1 and D2)
Largest and eldest english bulletin-board for Descent.
Another active english bulletin board Ein weiteres aktives englisches Forum zu Descent.
The most frequented german website for Descent with Downloads and many more stuff.
Good old and informational site for Descent of all versions with many DLs and subsites
Very clearly arranged page for D1-D4 with good tips, tricks and hints...
Koolbear's Descent is back. With a levelarchive and many more.
Walktrough (Tutorials) for the Singleplay-Mode of D1, D2 and D3 in english.
The ODF has the achievement to create and collect good open source progs for Descent 1, 2 and 3.
Homepage of the book-author of Descent.
The most extensive english site with a huge filearchive, largest levelarchive and MANY infos.
Pooterman's old site. Said he had the largest levelarchive for D2...
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Descent 1
D1X-Rebirth - A patch to be able to play Descent 1 on i.e. WinXP and Linux.
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Descent 2
D2X Home
KAHA's Descent
Descent 2 with OpenGL Support and high-resolution (even works with WinXP).
D2X-Rebirth - A patch to be able to play Descent 2 on i.e. WinXP, Linux and MAC. 
KAHA's old site. Tactics, Downloads, Levels, Pilots and stuff. More cult than informational but hey! :)
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Descent 3
Acer's D3 Tactics
DE-Hunter's Descent
Descent3.com FAQ
Descent 3 Teamladder
Fischlein's Descent
Kuman's D3 Models
Lex's Descent
Maulwurf's Descent
Moon's D3FAQ
Roadrunner's Descent
Russian Descent Outpost
Toxxeon's Descent
Vortex Home
Acer's D3 Tactics with great infos about flight 'n fight, settings, 'unwritten rules' and more, in german...
Home of Descent3Server3 (Servertool to start D3-Dedi-Servers) by DE-Hunter
Lord's Descent 3 Site. Sorry to see that the last update was years ago...
Descent3 FAQ - the most frequently asked questions about Descent3 and the answers.
Descent 3 Ladder site wich a forum and ranking-tables.
esa's Descent 3 Tracker Site. Direct joining of the listed servers is supported.
TWS's Descent. Then THE forum for european descenters with nice gameservers, news, a.s.o. Not updated anymore.
THE italian home for descenters! This page contains everything an italian pilot needs to play D3 online.
Nice german site about D3 Leveldesign with tutorials and ratings, tools and much more in german.
Kuman's Descent 3 models for 3DSMax with nice pictures. Eyecandy!
Descent 3 Levelarchive with screenshots...
Lexi's Descent 3 Site with infos and tools.
Mauli's Site with his own well-done content, nice infos about ships, weapons and many pix in german.
Moon's 'official' FAQ (frequently asked and answered questions) around Descent 3
Roady's Descent. His tools like D3Cleaner and the uncounted levels - all with sceenshots and more.
The russian outpost of Descent. Site is available in english and russian.
Suncho's Descent. Several tutorials and infos.
Toxxeon's old page this a few of his projects like a render-video, levels, objects and more...
Chat-Tool with a serverlist, mission-/MOD-downloader, and much more to be able to play Descent 3 online the easiest way!
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Descent Clans and Teams
Old, mostly german D3 clan. Unfortunately the last update is ages ago because of the low activity of the dudes. ([D4E])
Large, active, tough since lately even international clan with own servers. (DIII- and DIIIA-)
Little, continously semiactive, tough german clan (online predominantly at Descent 3) (Do_)
Young, inactive, german clan. (|FS|)
Descent-LAN Community from Luebeck. Active since years, they regularly do nice Descent-LAN-Sessions.
International clan of TOP-Pilots. Unfortunately they disbanded at their early stages. (Sly-) Today: Home of Vortex!
International clan by and for beginners. THE place of refuge for newbies to D3. Top-Management! ([NuB],[NuB2])
Big, active german clan with international section. (VEX-)
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IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN in one free client without ads. Very nice!
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